One Heart
Equestrian Therapy, Inc
Offering Therapeutic Services to People with Disabilities Using Horses
A PATH International Member Center
Serving Central Iowa Since 2001
The Capital Campaign:
You can join our RIDE into the future!
One Heart has faced many developmental phases since our founding in 2001. Throughout this time, our clients have found us, and volunteers have made it go. Passion started us, and hard work sustained us. We have shared years of joy, energy, strategic planning, program development, and much fulfillment with all of you. We have ALL built, worked, arranged, developed, and served to a peak capacity in this manner. Your compassion has shown throughout our development. Here comes the next BIG step! We know you will want to be part of this major growth.
The foundation has been laid, but our full potential has not yet been met. Now is our time. One Heart was given the amazing opportunity to purchase a remarkable equestrian property just north of Ames, IA. A permanent home means the transition to true sustainability and continued generations of passion and service. Generous donors have already provided about 70% of the purchase price, and we’ve taken possession. A balloon payment for the balance is due in 2018. Your support and donations will make it possible to cross the finish line to a debt-free home!!
Read on, at the link shown below, to learn details of this amazing property.
We will RIDE on. We invite you to join us in the RIDE!
Thank You!
Kris Lager
Co-Founder & Executive Director